Evenson: Roy Evenson Grant Scholarship

Established by Roy Evenson one of Western’s most loyal and supportive Alumni.
Awarded to a student based on need, disabled, future potential or special talents.
Bio of Roy Evenson
A native Montana, Roy as a youth was stricken with osteomyelitis, a crippling disease of the bones. Prior to his death on Sep 16, 1983, he had never allowed that handicap to limit either his ambitions or accomplishments. He enrolled at Montana Western in 1941, departed temporarily for three years of service with the U.S. Army, and returned for completion of a Bachelor degree in Elementary Education in 1948. Following graduation, Roy taught briefly in Northwestern Montana, completed post-graduate studies at the University of Southern California, and inaugurated a highly successful career with the National Parks Service. During his 28 year tenure with that agency, he rose to the highest level of administrative ranks. Roy maintained a lifelong concern for young people. Through his generosity, countless students have realized educational and professional dreams.